A Revolution in Baby Nutrition Packaging Design.
Honored with the 2020 Transform Awards Asia Silver in Best Creative Strategy, Shortlisted for Best Use of Packaging.
Brood Chen, Shift Feng. Daniel Duh, Ray Lan, Echo Yeh, Jolin Guan
2020 (6 months)
How can we make it easier for moms to
choose the right nutrition for their babies?
choose the right nutrition for their babies?
Previous Look
How babies grow
Monitoring a baby's monthly growth allows us to monitor their physical development. Studies indicate that infants reach motor milestones at various stages, like sitting at around 6 months, hands-and-knees crawling at 8.5 months, and walking at 12 months.
We find inspiration in the natural growth of infants, observing the behaviours and physical skills they develop. Our approach centres around "Key Milestones." We thoroughly analyze every aspect of a baby's development, taking into account physiological features, nutritional needs, and emotional growth. With a diverse product range, we cater to various needs at different stages, offering comprehensive support as babies navigate through each of the five developmental milestones.
The inspiration drawn from early physical milestones forms the basis for the message on our packaging. Considering the soft characteristics of the Cocon font, we opted to represent each key milestone using numbers 12345.
The five characters not only show up on packaging but also take on various forms at different touch points.
Brand identity
The logo design is derived from Cocon typography and infused with shapes that evoke feelings of love and care.
Using the graphic from the logo, we link our brand concept and enhance the brand's visual appeal through its application..
Since the launch of the Enoulite in February 2020, the average monthly sales have grown by 108%, with a peak growth rate of 173% in certain months. The average order value has experienced a 20% increase.
Founder of Enoulite